2024 Vendor Information Package
Will be updated ahead of 2025 season.
Location Details
Sundays, may 19 - October 13, 2024
Location: Upper Village Stroll, base of Blackcomb Mountain, between Whistler Blackcomb administration building and the Fairmont.
Sometimes last minute changes are necessary - please check your location first thing on market day. Market locations are sent out to attending vendors via email either Friday or Saturday before the market.
Load In
VEHICLE load in is available between 7:00 - 9:20 am
Entry location: You MUST enter via the Upper Village Stroll at the Whistler Blackcomb Administration building (image below), located at 4545 Blackcomb Way, Whistler, BC V0N 1B4. The market area one-way ONLY through the market area, with exit at the Fairmont Chateau Whistler end.
Vehicle cut-off: The entry gate will be closed at 9:20 AM sharp – after this time no vehicles may enter the stroll (you will then have to walk your gear in). All vehicles MUST be removed from the Upper Village Stroll by 9:30 am.
This arrow shows the market entry for vendor vehicles at the Whistler Blackcomb Administration building.
One-way flow of traffic through the Upper Village
Finding your booth: Stall locations are numbered. If you cannot easily locate your booth area, please call the Market phone on 604-902-3678
Unloading your gear: When you arrive at your booth location, pull off as far as possible to the side, ensuring traffic can pass by as you unload. Unload your gear efficiently in front of your booth number. Do not commence set up. You may put up a tent only if the weather requires it. Vehicles must be promptly removed to avoid congestion.
Exit location: Once you’ve unloaded your belongings, promptly exit the market area at the fire lane at the Fairmont (image below), park your vehicle for the day (Lot 5 is the closest parking and Lot 7 has free parking) and then return to set up your space. See: information on parking rates
Driving: DRIVE EXTREMELY SLOW!!! Be aware of pedestrians. You must drive at snails pace in the stroll - safety is key. Please turn your hazard lights on.
Vendors must be completely set up and at their booth ready to sell by 10:50 AM.
Market exit at Fairmont Chateau Whistler end
Load Out
No booth tear down before 4 pm (exception: Farms may choose to pack down at 3:30 pm).
All booths MUST be packed down by 4:30 pm. Stack your gear off to the side to allow space for your vehicle to pull into your booth area and load out swiftly without blocking the flow of vehicles.
Ensure your space is completely clean ahead of your departure. No garbage, debris, chalk, tape, etc. should be left behind.
DO NOT block the fire exit at Fairmont end – this must be kept open at all times.
Hand load-out
You may pack out via hand any time from 4pm.
DO NOT block the fire exit at Fairmont end – this must be kept open at all times.
Vehicle load-out
Cars may access the market area from 4:40pm. Vendors may line-up and wait in your vehicle on the curbside of Blackcomb Way, and when market staff open the gate and give the signal, the vehicle line-up will commence moving into the market. Do not wait in the Whistler Blackcomb carpark loop.
Pull your vehicle into your booth location as far as possible to avoid blocking traffic, then efficiently load your gear and make your way out of the market asap.
Pedestrian safety is the utmost importance. Please DRIVE EXTREMELY SLOW, put your hazard lights on and have your wits about you.
Vendors that stated that power is essential to their operation have been placed in locations that have access to power. This must have been included on your application and have already been discussed with the Market Manager.
Generators are not permitted.
Vendors are responsible for supplying their own extension cords and other necessary equipment.
Great care and consideration is taken into the placement of vendors, with the aim to put vendors in a placement that they are happy with. Please keep in mind that considerations such as sun sensitive products, power access, balance of market, and having a rotating lineup of vendors makes this challenging. The manager will take feedback into consideration regarding booth locations, but vendors are asked to respect management’s decisions as there are many factors at play. Please note I will aim to keep vendor locations as consistent as possible. I recognise this is important for customer experience as well as vendor sales. Vendors that attend full or majority of the season should have consistency in their booth location. Vendors that attend less than half the season may not have the same booth location each time.
There are lots of washroom locations via the Whistler Blackcomb ticket building and various hotels.
The market works with AWARE Whistler to manage waste. Please direct customers to the AWARE Zero Waste Heros tent to dispose of their garbage, which will be located near RMU.
Vendors must pack out their own garbage.
No trace must be left behind after the market. Ensure there is no produce debris, especially berries and leafy debris.
New Regulations on Single Use Waste
B.C. is taking action to reduce single-use and plastic waste, moving plastics to the circular economy. New regulations have been introduced and the best resources currently exist on the provincial website: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/waste-management/zero-waste/plastics
All 3 of these resources are super important:
Alternatives to Single Use Plastics - a little confusing as 'avoid' should really be 'prohibited' or 'restricted'.
New compostable plastic regulations - definitely key for vendors to familiarise this one.
Nutrition coupon program
Nutrition coupons will be back this season - more details to follow. These coupons can be collected by farm vendors for purchase of qualifying items.
Farmers, keep an eye out for past coupons and vouchers. These have expired and can no longer be redeemed at the market. Please give your coupons to staff at the end of each market.
Stall Appearance: Each vendor is responsible for the safety and appearance of their stall at the market. This includes keeping the area behind and around their stall clean and free of clutter before during and after the market.
Respect the location: Please remember that the owners of the property we use give us the area clean and tidy and we are expected to return it in the same condition. This is bear country and we do not tolerate improper disposal of waste.
Find your category below to understand what documents are required and then upload them as a PDF under the “Licensing” section of your Manage My Market Profile.
Vendor Insurance required for all
Vendors have limited liability insurance under the Whistler Farmers’ Market policy. However, vendors are also required to carry their own insurance with the "The Whistler Farmers' Market Society" as additional named insureds in the amount of $2,000,000 per occurrence.
Note: The BCAFM has arranged a preferred group insurance rate on Commercial General Liability for BCAFM Vendor Members – learn more here.
Organic certification (Please see BC Organic Certification Regulation for guidelines)
Proof of Producer-only status (e.g. Land Title Certificate or Lease Agreement)
Vendor Insurance
Proof of Producer-only status (e.g. Land Title Certificate or Lease Agreement)
Vendor Insurance
Letter of Confirmation from your local Health Authority
Vendor Insurance
Fish Vending License (if applicable)
Proof of Producer-only status (e.g. Land Title Certificate or Lease Agreement)
Vendor Insurance
Valid FoodSafe Level 1 certification (if value-added product)
If selling fiddleheads or mushrooms, please provide documentation that you have notified your local Health Authority.
This includes vendors who are producers of prepared foods in which the ingredients have been altered from their original state, including but not limited to bread, baked goods, preserves, sweet treats or prepackaged snacks.
Vendors fall into two categories: Lower Risk or Higher Risk as defined by BC Centre for Disease Control in the Guideline for the Sale of Foods at Temporary Food Markets document.
Please confirm the status of your product with your local Health Officer (e.g. Vancouver Coastal Health) and update me on the result.
Lower Risk products must provide
Vendor Insurance
Food Safe or Market Safe certificate.
Copy of Laboratory Testing Results (if available), particularly if selling jams/jellies/sauces
Higher Risk products must provide
Letter of Confirmation or Temporary Food Permit from local Health Authority
FoodSafe Level 1 or MarketSafe certificate
Vendor Insurance
Applies to vendors selling preheated or prepared food onsite, or providing beverages made onsite.
Valid FoodSafe Level 1 or MarketSafe Certificate
Letter of Confirmation, Temporary Food Permit or Food Truck Permit issued by local Health Authority
Vendor Insurance
Producers of alcohol who use ingredients they do not grow for use in their products.
Serving it Right Certificate
Vendor Insurance
Wineries or manufacturers who grow the ingredients they use.
Proof of Producer-only status (ex. Land Title Certificate or Lease Agreement)
Serving it Right Certificate
Vendor Insurance
Craft, jewelry, beauty, home products, visual art, etc.
Vendor Insurance
Bree Eagles, Market Manager: 604-902-3678 | management@whistlerfarmersmarket.org